Refund Policy
If you are not completely satisfied with your order, you can return any item in its original packaging within 30 days of receipt of product for exchange, credit, or full refund (excluding shipping and processing charges). Returns will not be accepted after 30 days.
Best Sellers
3 Medjool Sizes

Jumbo Medjool
Our number one Medjool. Only the most moist and succulent dates are hand-selected for this grade of superior quality. Shop Jumbo Medjools

Large Medjool
Same quality as our JUMBO Medjools, but slightly smaller. They are still unusually large, with a smooth velvet texture and exquisite taste. Shop Large Medjools

Extra Fancy Medjool
Sun-ripened. A standard quality Medjool. Large, with a sweet flavor, selected by moisture content and appearance. Shop Extra Fancy Grade Medjools